Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Spotlight San Juan - Free Trolley (Old San Juan)

Old San Juan Trolley
Old San Juan now has a free trolley service to help you get around the city. The trolley runs Monday through Friday from 7:00am until 7:00pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am until 7:00pm. Just stand at any of the marked trolley stop signs and wait for the next trolley to come along. You can get off at any marked trolley stop.
These trolleys are strictly free transportation. They are not "tour" or "sight-seeing" trolleys. There is no tour guide to explain what you’re seeing. But having said that, the trolleys are a nice way to see an overview of the city. They are not the fastest way to get around in the city – the best way to get around and see more is on foot. But they are convenient when you are hot and tired, or physically unable to walk the steep streets.

Old San Juan Trolley StopThere are three routes, all of which start at trolley stop 1 , which is on the corner across the street from Cruise Ship Pier 4. This corner has a little restaurant, a convenience store, liquor store, a cigar shop, an internet cafe, and scooter shop. The route names are posted on the front of the trolley above the windshield.

City Hall Route

The trolley used for this route is enclosed and air-conditioned. It travels around the main shopping area of Old San Juan, including Calles Tanaca, San Francisco, Fortaleza, Recinto Sur, and then swings around by the Casita before heading back to trolley stop 1. It hits these stops in this order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11, 15, 16, 3, 12, 13, 14.

City Hall / El Morro Route

The trolley used for this route is also enclosed and air-conditioned. It travels around the main shopping area of Old San Juan, including Calles Tanca, San Francisco, Fortaleza, and then heads up past Fort San Cristobal, along the ocean on Calle Norzagaray, then on to El Morro. After turning around at El Morro, it retraces it’s path back to Calle San Francisco, back down Forteleza to Recinto Sur, and then swings around by the Casita before heading back to trolley stop 1. It’s a combination of the City Hall route and the El Morro route, and stops at all the same trolley stops, including numbers 6 and 7.

El Morro Route

The trolley used for this route is an open-air tram-like vehicle with two cars. It bypasses the main shopping area, and makes a bee-line for the forts, passing the Capital Building along the way. This one stops at trolley stop 1, 2, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, and then goes right up to the entrance of El Morro. After turning around at El Morro, it stops at 25, 23, 21, 19, 12, 13, 14, and then returns to stop 1.
Old San Juan Trolley Map - click to enlarge

Here’s a list of the trolley stops and what’s near each one …
  • 1 – Calle Corretjer – Pier 4, Internet Cafe
  • 2 – Corner of Calle Corretjer and Recinto Sur – Covadonga parking, bus station
  • 3 – Calle Recinto Sur – across from parking decks, restaurants
  • 4 – Corner of Calles Tetun and Tanca
  • 5/6 – Corner of Calles Tanca and Forteleza – a small park with benches, shopping
  • 7 – Calle San Francisco – shopping
  • 8 – Calle San Francisco – City Hall, Plaza de Armas
  • 9 – Calle San Jose – Howard Johnson Hotel
  • 10 – Calle Forteleza – Marshalls, shopping
  • 11 – Calle Forteleza – La Casa de Casitas, shopping, restaurants
  • 12 – Calle Tizol – beginning of the Paseo de la Princesa
  • 13 – Plaza Darsena, Casita, San Juan Bay,
  • 14 – Piers 1 and 2, Don Q, Ferry terminal
  • 15 – Calle Forteleza – Hotel Milano, beginning of SoFo restaurants, Museum of the Family, Pharmacy Museum
  • 16 – Calle Forteleza – Teatro Tapia, Plaza Colon, end of SoFo restaurants
  • 17- Calle San Francisco – Plaza Colon, Cafe Berlin
  • 18/19 Calle Norzagaray – Fort San Cristobal
  • 20/21 – Calle Norzagary – entrance to La Perla
  • 22/23 – Calle Norzagaray – Museum of San Juan
  • 24/25 – Calle Norzagaray – Cuartel de Ballaja, National Gallery
  • 26 – the lawn at El Morro – stay on the trolley – it takes you right to the entrance to El Morro, where it turns around

Here’s a of attractions (indicated by letters on the map) …
  • A — El Morro
  • B — Fort San Cristobal
  • C — San Juan Cemetery
  • D — Cuartel de Ballajá
  • E — Casa Blanca
  • F — Plaza del Quinto Centernario
  • G — Convento de los Dominicos
  • H — Plaza San José
  • I — Pablo Casals Museum
  • J — San Juan Art and History Museum
  • K — San Juan City Hall
  • L — Plaza de Armas
  • M — San Juan Cathedral
  • N — Children’s Museum
  • O — Felisa Rincón Vda. de Gautier Museum
  • P — La Rogativa
  • Q — San Juan Gate
  • R — Fortaleza (the governor’s mansion)
  • S — Pigeon Park
  • T — Cristo Chapel
  • U — Paseo de la Princesa
  • V — San Juan Tourism Office
  • W — Museum of the Family
  • X — Plaza Colón
  • Y — Tapia Theater
  • Z — Puerto Rico Capital Building
Here is a hint: Loads of people wait to get on the trolley at stop 1.  Walk west down the waterfront to Trolley stop 14 (by Pier 2, in front of coffee shop) for a better chance of getting a seat.


  1. With us not getting into port until 4 pm I wonder how many stops a person could take in before it stops

  2. Yeah....I agree it sucks we are getting in so late. That area isn't that big so even if you end up further away and the trolley stops, it's not a killer to walk - unless of course, you have mobility issues. We used the trolley a bit in March but found it was quicker at times to just walk as the traffic was crazy. Certainly handy though and you could take a little trolley tour around if you've never been to San Juan before.
